“Mr Goh, it’s my pleasure to welcome you once again to Faith Community Baptist Church. The last time we met was during the Marine Parade light up.
We are so honoured by your visit again this morning.
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my heart and the heartbeat of the people in this church, as well as committee pastors of LoveSingapore which is an informal, relational network of some 100 churches with a membership of at least 40,000 Christians.
One, we believe that the building of Singapore is an exciting enterprise.
Two, we feel passionately that Singapore is a place worth fighting for!
Three, we want to create a Singapore we are all proud of.
Sir, we are convinced that there’s no better starting point for this noble endeavor than the Family.
Therefore, we are committed as a church to build strong families in Singapore.
We affirm that the family unit comprises a man as Father, a woman as Mother, and Children. This is the basic building block of society, a value foundational for a secure future, a premise fundamental to nation-building.
We see a looming threat to this basic building block by homosexual activists seeking to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code.
Examples from around the world have shown that the repeal of similar laws have led to negative social changes, especially the breakdown of the family as a basic building block and foundation of the society. It takes away the rights of parents over what their children are taught in schools, especially sex education. It attacks religious freedom and eventually denies free speech to those who, because of their moral convictions, uphold a different view from that championed by increasingly aggressive homosexual activists.
We love our nation. We sincerely pray for and look to the Government to provide moral leadership in preserving this basic building block and foundation of our society. And with that, to robustly protect our constitutional rights to free speech and religious liberty; so as to ensure that social cohesion and religious harmony are maintained in Singapore.
Mr Goh, thank you so much for the great work you have done for Singapore and for this constituency. We will now pray for you, your family, and your continual work among us in this nation.”
- “Apostle” Lawrence Khong (source)
Khong of Faith Community Baptist Church calls on Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to continue Singapore’s criminalisation of non-penetrative sexual activity between two men in order to “preserve” the one-man-one-woman family structure.
First, the definition of the family unit has never always been one man to one woman with children. The word family (from the latin famulus) means “domestic slave” and refers originally to all the slaves belonging to one man. The meaning then extended to all the people who was ruled by or descended from one man. Over time, it narrowed into all the people comprising one man’s household. It only evolves into this smallish definition in the early nineteenth century. One cannot assume the modern concept of family to be the sole appropriate one throughout history. Think of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Think of the ancient Hebrews.
Second, as a husband and father, I do not perceive a correlation between my family’s stability and well-being and what two men do in private. Will I suddenly transform into a gay man because it is no longer a crime for two men in Singapore to express their love physically for each other? Will I become promiscuous all of a sudden because the government finally acknowledges the basic human right to individual freedom and expression? Will my children become gay (if they are straight) because of a legal tweaking? I think not.
Third, no gay or lesbian will stop one from going to church on a Sunday if one so wishes in Singapore, or for that matter, in any civilised society. Christians, muslims, taoists, buddhists, hindus and what-have-you are free to practise their religion whether or not gays are criminalised in this country.
I love my nation too, Mr Khong. But Singapore does not revolve around you, or any of your lunatic mob. Singapore is made up of more than just evangelical christians. Singapore is made up of more than just heterosexuals. And Singapore will do better if she treats ALL her people equally, fairly and justly.
Filed under: contemporary affairs, family, religious fundamentalism, sexuality, society Tagged: Apostle Lawrence Khong, building strong families, Chew Hongjie, Chew Hongjie Blog, Contemporary affairs, current affairs, evangelical christian homophobia, evangelical Christianity in Singapore, evangelical homophobia, Faith Community Baptist Church, Faith Community Baptist Church Singapore, family, freedom of speech, gay rights, Goh Chok Tong, homophobia, homosexual rights, homosexuality, homosexuals, human rights, I do not see a correlation between my family's stability and what two men do in private, Lawrence Khong, Lawrence Khong's Public Statement at Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong's Visit to Touch Centre, LGBT rights, Love Singapore, Love Singapore Network, Marine Parade, religious freedom, religious fundamentalism, religious homophobia, Section 377A, Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong, sexuality, Singapore, Singapore News, Singapore society, Singapore's criminalisation of non-penetrative sexual activity between two men, society, sparrows and sandcastles blog by Chew Hongjie, Sparrows and Sandcastles Blog by Zhou Hongjie, the Bible, the breakdown of the family, the definition of the family unit, the family, the family unit, the Singapore Penal Code, Zhou Hongjie, Zhou Hongjie Blog