Lawrence Khong and his merry band of self-righteous pastors four days ago met Singapore’s Minister for Law (and foreign affairs), the will-fucking-sue-you-if-you-expose-my-not-so-clean-personal-life K. Shanmugam.
They talked about sex.
And their very naive brand of “moral” values. They wanted assurance from the immoral Shanmugam that Singapore’s archaic law on homosexuality is here to stay. Evangelical christians, think Mick Huckabee, Rick Warren, Pat Robertson, John Macarthur, love to poke their noses into areas constitutionally and politically forbidden to them. They think they can transform modern societies into stone-age autocracies.
Anyway, the fuckers got what they wanted.
Fellow humanists, let them smile and scratch one another’s back. No prudish community can resist the tide of change in the 21st century unless they amish themselves. PAP along with Singapore’s fundamentalist religions may maintain their Neanderthal mindsets for now. It will not last.
Dear LGBT friends, I may be all red-blooded heterosexual, but let me be your comrade. Bigotry is an enemy I cannot love. Neither would Jesus if he lives in Singapore today. We may not live to see the day Singapore wakes up from her coma. We may not live to see Singapore christians genuinely loving their neighbour with NO agenda of proselytisation. But we can dream. We can fight. And for as long as we have the strength to protest, to debate, to speak up; for as long as I have the mind to wield the pen, you and I, comrades, will do battle against the powers that be.
Here we stand. We can do no other.
Or die trying.
Filed under: contemporary affairs, religious fundamentalism, sexuality Tagged: 377A, and his merry band of self-righteous pastors, As long as I have breath to speak and a mind to wield the pen - I will do battle against the powers that be, Benjamin Chew, Benjamin Chew blog, bigotry, bigotry is an enemy I cannot love, Christianity in Singapore, Contemporary affairs, current affairs, dear LGBT friends, evangelical Christianity, evangelical Christianity in Singapore, fellow humanists, fundamentalist religions in Singapore, here we stand, homophobia, I can dream, I can fight, John Macarthur, K. Shanmugam, Khong and Shanmugam talked about sex, Lawrence Khong, Lawrence Khong meets Law Minister, let me be your comrade, LGBT community, LGBT issues, LGBT rights, Mick Huckabee, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Law, moral values, no prudish community can resist the tide of change in the 21st century, one cannot resist the tide of change in the 21st century, or die trying, PAP, Pat Robertson, penal code section 377A, People's Action Party, religious fundamentalism, Rick Warren, Section 377A, sex-talk, sexuality, Singapore, Singapore News, Singapore society, Singapore's archaic law on homosexuality, Sparrows and Sandcastles, Sparrows and Sandcastles blog, Sparrows and Sandcastles blog by Benjamin Chew, talk about sex, the evangelical christian and homosexuality, the meddlesome evil of evangelical christianity, the People's Action Party, we can do no other